
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Silk Ribbon Embroidery

This is what has become of the denim in the previous post. The flowers on the left are worked entirely in lazy daisy and straight stitch. The bunch on the right is composed of spider web roses, lazy daisy rose buds and very clumsy stem stitches and a scattering of beads.

There is this wonderful tutorial for all silk ribbon embroidery (SRE) stitches here. I discovered this really good blog through Sharon's PIN TANGLE

Click on pictures to enlarge

While working on this, I discovered some interesting facts about myself.
  • When I find something new and interesting, I am like a bull in a china shop.
  • Apparently, my patience quotient is  next to zero - and it shows in my work.
  • Its ok to do something slowly and not okay to do something imperfectly just because I want to finish it fast.
  • You can't not have the time to do something properly the first time round but have the time to do it again. Huh! Come again? Think about it.
I am determined that this is not going to be another one of my incomplete projects.

Here are the things I should have thought about before I started the SRE
  1. The needles - though my pony no.7 needles have a big enough eye, I could not thread the ribbons. I ended up using a tapestry needle which of course is very blunt  and thick and  not suitable. I got away with it since the fabric I used was denim. I am now hunting for a suitable needle.
  2. I should have checked for the suitability of the ribbons for specific stitches - I didn't and hence the shabby stem stitches in  the 2nd pic - bull in china shop.
I am now considering tatting patterns to embellish top edges.


Unknown said...

Hi Bhavani....i saw ur blog after a long time and to my surprise i found ribbon work that i really like .ur work is great and ur sooo passionate about embroidery...kep up the work and stay in touch

Caroldaisy said...

Shavani, I am dissapointed that I could not see
the photo of the ribbon on denim, it is not showing at the moment. Am very impressed with the spider web rose. Have you done this in Satin
Ribbon??? If you try Silk Ribbon you will find it
so much more easier to work with. I love using the
bolder colour schemes on denim. Carol Daisy