This is illustration 239 of the Project Gutenberg's Beeton's Book of Needlework, by Isabella Beeton - I found this link in Sharon's Blog -

Here is my own basket.

This is the first time I have used a metal wire in crochet. I decided not to make the handle, so I can place inside it this cute blue glass urn I bought at an antique shop.
I had gone to attend a friend's wedding in Karaikudi - Tamil Nadu. We were parked in front of this antique shop. I happened to glance inside and this piece called out to me and I simply had to have it.
And the rose is from my balcony garden.

Here is my own basket.

This is the first time I have used a metal wire in crochet. I decided not to make the handle, so I can place inside it this cute blue glass urn I bought at an antique shop.
I had gone to attend a friend's wedding in Karaikudi - Tamil Nadu. We were parked in front of this antique shop. I happened to glance inside and this piece called out to me and I simply had to have it.

Hello Bhavani, your two sons are handsome and look very proud of themselves. Happy Birthday to Sushindhran.
Your basket is really lovely, it looks a replica of one in the above picture, very clever.
Darling, darling boys you have. It was a pleasure to meet them!
Thank you Allison
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